Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier, of Organic Vermi Compost Manure in India

Top-quality Organic VermiCompost Manure in India and unlock its full potential for your crops. Don't miss this opportunity!

Explore our Organic VermiCompost Manure from India. We are a leading Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of  Organic VermiCompost Manure in India.

Discover the Diversity of Indian Organic VermiCompost Manure

What is Organic VermiCompost Manure?

Vermicompost is the result of the deterioration interaction utilizing different types of worms, typically red wigglers, white worms, and different night crawlers, to make a combination of breaking down vegetable or food waste, sheet material materials, and vermicast.

This process is called vermicomposting, with the rearing of worms for this purpose called vermiculture.

Vermicompost contains water-solvent supplements which might be removed as vermiwash and is a superb, supplement-rich natural compost and soil conditioner.

It is used in gardening and sustainable, organic farming.

Vermicomposting can likewise be applied for the treatment of sewage.

The earthworm species most often used are red wigglers (Eisenia fetida or Eisenia andrei), though European nightcrawlers (Eisenia hortensis, synonym Dendrobaena veneta) and red earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) could also be used.

Vermicompost is a consistent, fine granular regular fertilizer, which upgrades soil quality by chipping away at its physicochemical and natural properties.

It is exceptionally valuable in raising seedlings and for crop creation.

Vermicompost is becoming famous as a significant part of the natural cultivating framework. Vermicompost offers numerous benefits for soil health, plant growth, and the environment.

What are the Benefits of Organic VermicCompost Manure?

Sustainable Practice:

Vermicomposting is a treating the soil cycle that can be consistently rehashed to manage food and other natural waste in a completely supportable manner that is positive for the climate.

Rapid Compost Production:

Vermicomposting results in the production of compost more rapidly than traditional composting methods.

Reduces Greenhouse Gases:

It contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases by reducing the amount of organic and kitchen waste deposited in landfill sites each year.

Reduces Food Waste:

Vermicomposting contributes to reducing food waste by converting it into a valuable resource for our gardens and farms.

Indoor Composting:

With vermicomposting, you can compost indoors, making it a convenient option for those with limited outdoor space.

Improves Soil Properties:

Vermicompost is rich in humus, Nitrogen (2-3 %), phosphorus ( 1.55-2.25%), Potassium ( 1.85-2.25 %), micronutrients, and other beneficial soil microbes2. It increases the population of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and actinomycetes.

Enhances Plant Growth:

Vermicompost improves plant growth by enabling the growth of new shoots and leaves, thereby increasing productivity.

Neutralizes Soil pH:

It helps to neutralize the pH of the soil.


Sri Guru Prahaash Marketing Agrow, Manufacturer, Exporters & Suppliers of Organic VermiCompost Manure in India.

What is organic vermicompost manure?

Organic vermi compost manure is a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer produced through the process of vermicomposting. It is created by decomposing organic matter using earthworms, resulting in a fine, crumbly substance that enhances soil health and fertility.

Organic vermicompost manure improves soil structure, increases water retention, promotes beneficial microbial activity, and enhances nutrient availability for plants. It enriches the soil with essential nutrients, organic matter, and beneficial microorganisms, creating an optimal environment for plant growth.

Using organic vermicompost manure in gardening improves soil fertility, supports healthy plant growth, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, suppresses soil-borne diseases, and enhances the overall health of the garden ecosystem. It also helps to improve soil aeration and drainage, creating a sustainable and thriving garden environment.

In a coordinated manner, on-farm creation of crude manure utilizing different rural leftover wastes and its further stronghold with bio-organic farm data sources can assist ranchers with delivering esteem-added fertilizer items for direct application in crop creation. Reception of microbial bioconversion advancements and their field applications might become eco-venturesome for the country asset unfortunate cultivating networks for upgrading their vocation alongside further developing homestead efficiency and soil wellbeing.

The ideal composting process for organic vermicompost manure involves creating a balanced mix of organic materials, maintaining proper moisture and aeration levels, and providing a suitable habitat for composting worms. Regular monitoring and adjustment of compost conditions ensure optimal decomposition and nutrient retention.

Organic vermicompost manure can be applied by spreading it evenly over the soil surface around plants or incorporating it into the soil before planting. It’s essential to follow recommended application rates and avoid overapplication to prevent nutrient imbalances or plant stress.

Yes, organic vermicompost manure is suitable for a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, shrubs, and trees. It provides a balanced blend of nutrients, improves soil structure, and enhances plant health and vitality, making it an excellent choice for organic gardeners.

To make organic vermicompost manure at home, start by setting up a vermicomposting bin or pile. Add layers of organic materials such as kitchen scraps, yard waste, and shredded paper, along with a population of composting worms, such as red wigglers. Keep the compost moist, aerated, and well-balanced in terms of carbon and nitrogen content. Over time, the worms will break down the organic matter into nutrient-rich vermicompost manure that can be used to nourish plants.

Yes, organic vermicompost manure is environmentally friendly and sustainable. It reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers, minimizes waste, and helps to improve soil health and biodiversity. By supporting natural nutrient cycles and reducing environmental pollution, organic vermicompost manure contributes to a healthier and more resilient ecosystem.

To order organic vermicompost manure from us, simply contact our sales team through email or phone. We are a trusted importer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality legumes and can fulfill your bulk orders efficiently.

Our minimum order quantity for organic vermicompost manure varies depending on your location. Please reach out to us directly to discuss your specific needs.

We accept only Bank L/C (From the top 10 Prime Banks in the World). Our goal is to make the purchasing process convenient and secure for our customers.

We offer flexible packaging options for organic manure, including bulk bags, vacuum-sealed packs, and custom packaging solutions. Our goal ensure your order arrives fresh and intact.

We offer flexible packaging options for organic manure, including bulk bags, vacuum-sealed packs, and custom packaging solutions. Our goal ensure your order arrives fresh and intact.

Organic Vermi Compost Manure
Whole Red Pigeon Peas
Split Pigeon Peas
Whole Black Gram
Split Black Gram


At Sri Guru Prahaash Marketing - Agrow in India, we aim to provide superior quality agro products to our clients worldwide. Building Lasting Bonds: Trust, Reliability, and Exceptional Service In a world where connections are fleeting, we stand firm in our commitment to fostering enduring relationships. Our ethos is simple yet profound: trust, reliability, and exceptional service form the bedrock of every interaction we engage in.


At Sri Guru Prahaash Marketing - Agrow in India, quality is non-negotiable. We adhere to stringent quality standards and procedures at every stage of production, processing, and packaging. Our dedicated quality assurance team conducts thorough inspections to guarantee that only the finest products reach our clients.


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